Mega man legends wallpaper
Mega man legends wallpaper


ID Cards- 1 in chest near door 2 in generator room.NOTE: Don't use the grenades(you have to have the Grand Grenade!) in a normal battle. Go to his room and open the chest(Bomb Schematic).Go to the Clozer Woods. You now have the Flutter! YAY!!!!! Go talk to Gramps. Location: Lake Jyun Sub-Gate before the refractor room.Items of the Sub-Gate- Gatling Part, Ring for Roll, Joint Plug, Old Hoverjets.Īfter the refractor is yours, leave.When an object pops up where the cannons were, shoot it to decrease the HP. Strategy: Hit the cannons and the arms.RB: Laser + Range Booster Omega/ Power Raiser Omega.I'd recommend retreating when you're allowed to fill up the Ship's HP and your ammo. Make sure you have a maxed out Machine Buster(about 52,000 Z) and Laser and Range Booster Omega/Power Raiser Omega. Talk to one of construction workers and call Roll. Now, in Portal #3, there's a Triple Access and about 1,800 zenny. Those pillars in the Pen Light room can be destroyed with the Drill Arm later on. There's a total of about 19,000 zenny to be found, a Buster Unit, a Rapid Fire barrel, a Shiny object and a Pen Light. Items- Hole has about 2,700 Z Old Doll in hole(room 2) Zenny in hole (room 1 about 400 Z) Grenade Kit in chest Jump Springs in chest Old Bone in wall.Īfter you get out, go to the Portal #2.Starters- Ledge in room after refractor rusted chest area after force field.Go to the Cardon Sub-Gate with a Buster Unit and Power Raiser Alpha and the Powered Buster. By the way, you can go to Uptown now to play games for cash or to get the Broken Propeller. Go into the van and invent the items you got. At City Hall, you get the Class A License. Location: Outside the Clozer Woods Sub-Gate.Hit the treads! Then get on the back and kill him by using the special weapon when the door opens.Recommended Weapons: Machine or Powered Buster.RB: Buster Unit(Portal 2) and Power Raiser Alpha.There's a chest and hole containing a total of around 5,000 Z. Near it is a flower you can give to Roll. In the box beside it is the Safety Helmet. In the Yass Plains, there's tanks and launchers.On top of a platform is a shop. Now you can enter portal 2 (South of Fluuter) and 3 (Yass Plains, part two). Party Blower(?!?): Move a little to the left.Missile attack: Wait 2 seconds then run forward.You know, he's always going 'Babu'? It's true!!! Strategy: Destroy the Hornisses THEN the Möbelwagens.RB: Power Raiser Alpha and Range Booster Alpha.When the LEGS shoot fire, you have maybe 4 seconds worth of mines available. Strategy: Attack the legs, specially the right one.With luck, you may obtain the key before it starts moving. Yellow Blumebear: At the very start, get right in front it and use all your mines to defeat it.Recommended Buster: Power Raiser (regular and Alpha).Before you leave, get some life gauge, Power Raiser Alpha, and all spare cash should go to the Energy Canteen+Extra Packs. Go Downtown and talk to Tron and then the dog. Leave and you'll see Tron being chased by a dog. You'll then be talking to Professor Barrel and Amelia. But first, go on the eastern side of Downtown. Go to City Hall, which north of Downtown. Go out and a cop will give your Citizen's Card. She'll explain the future uses of the van. Go back to the Junk Store and talk to the woman. Open the chest in the room to the left (Rapid Fire). DO NOT shoot the sitting enemy! This will drastically reduce the money gained from the one standing!! After killing the one standing one, you can kill the sitting one. Go back between them again and shoot them. Kill the bot and check the hole (2,600 Z) and turn right. Talk to the woman and go into the building beside the wall you saw earlier (Portal One). Open both trashcans (50 and 10 Z), the box near the Electronics store (Broken Cleaner), and the box beside the junk shop (100 Z) and go in to the shop. Talk to the professor and head towards Apple Market.

mega man legends wallpaper

Open both chests (Power Raiser 560 Z) and go to where the first field was and enter the door. Destroy it and collect the cash and energy cubes. Jump up on the platform and through the corridor till Roll stops you. Go through the door and defeat the 3 bots. Hit the button, defeat the bots and go to the intersection. Defeat the bots and go back to the intersection and go left then right. The player starts out in a tower in the middle of an ocean. F9: Return to title screen (quits the game when on the title screen).Z/3: Cancel, Special Weapon, speed up message.V/1: Examine, open doors, talk, hold down to activate Jet Skates (if equipped).Select: Select to resume/restart game (allows difficulty change).

Mega man legends wallpaper